
After you have executed a search using any filters, result fields and sorting options, you can choose to save your search for easy access in the future.

To save a search

  1. Open the search page and select any filters you want to use to locate the information.

  2. Select the result fields you would like to see in your results as well as any sorting options, and then click Go to execute the search.

  3. Expand the Saved Searches section, and click Save Current Search….

    The Add Saved Search page displays.

  4. Type the name for your search in the Description box.

  5. Select the Shared box to share the search with other users in your organization.

             NOTE:All ProClass users will see the search in their Saved Search area and cannot remove it unless you choose to remove the shared option.

  1. Click the Save and Return button.

To use a saved search

  • To use a saved search, expand the Saved Searches area and click the Load Saved Search button.

To make changes to a saved search

  1. Expand the Saved Searches section, and click the Edit button next to the search you want to change.

  2. Click in the Description box to change the name of the saved search.

  3. Select the Shared box to share the search with other users in your organization.

             NOTE:All ProClass users will see the search in their Saved Search area and cannot remove it unless you choose to remove the shared option.

  1. Click the Save and Return button.

             NOTE:If you want to make changes to the filter, result fields or sorting options of a saved search you need to delete the search and recreate it.