Coupon Code Edit


Coupon Codes can be created to apply discount coupons to a registration. A coupon code can be applied when registering a student for a program within the ProClass application or by the customer through an online registration.

To add or edit a Coupon Code
  1. On the administration menu, select Lookups, select Discounts, and then click Coupon Codes.  
    The Coupon Codes page displays.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click Add new coupon code....      
      The Add Coupon Code page displays.

    • Click the Edit button next to the coupon code you want to edit.             

  3. Clear the Active check-box to make the code inactive.

  4. Select the Single Use check-box to prevent a customer from using the coupon code more than once.

  5. In the Level box, select the appropriate discount level for the coupon.

  6. In the Application Type box, select Apply Greatest Discount or Cumulative.

  7. In the Code box, type a code for the coupon.
    For example, if you are creating a coupon code to offer a 10% discount to new students, you might use NEW10% as a code for your coupon.

            NOTE:The Code is case sensitive. When a customer types the coupon code during an online registration, he or she must type it exactly as you have typed it in the Code box.

  1. In the Description box, type a description for the coupon code.
    Using the example above, you might type 10% New Student Discount

  2. In the Type section, do one of the following:

    • Select the Dollar radio button to indicate that a flat dollar amount is discounted from the fee.

    • Select the Percentage radio button to indicate that a percentage of the fee is discounted.         

  3. In the Amount box, type the dollar amount or percentage for the discount.

  4. In the Effective Date box, click the arrow to the right of the box to select the date or type the first date the coupon should be available for use.

  5. In the Expiration Date box, click to select the date or type the date the coupon code should expire and no longer be available for use.

  6. Click the Save and Return button to save the new coupon code and return to the Coupon Codes list



To delete a Coupon Code 
  1. On the administration menu, select Lookups, select Discounts, and then click Coupon Codes.
  2. Click the Edit button next to the coupon code you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button at the top of the page.

  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

NOTE: You cannot delete a coupon code that has been used. Clear the active check-box to make it inactive.