
The Sorting feature allows you to determine how the results of a search are sorted when they are displayed.

                  For example, when searching for accounts from the Account Search page, the records by default are sorted by account ID. You might however
                  decide that you would prefer to sort them alphabetically by Account Name.

Each standardized search allows for up to three sort filters to be applied. The second and third sort filters will sort sets of results within your results where there are multiple recurrences of the same name or identification tag.

                  For example, if in the results of your search the system returns 25 instances of the name Jane Smith, you can opt to have those 25
                  records placed in a certain order as well. By specifying a second sort filter such as ”r;ID,” those 25 instances of Jane Smith records will be listed
                  in numerical order by ID numbers.

To use Sorting  ProClass Training Videos

  1. Click the chevron icon  to display the Sorting boxes.

  2. Click in the first drop-down menu and select which section you would like to see sorted.

  3. Click the Ascending radio button to sort the results in ascending order, or choose the Descending radio button to sort the results in descending order.

  4. Click Go to execute the search.

The Search Results displays the results of your search.